Return & Refund

Thank you for choosing to purchase from COLOKINI. We fundamentally believe you will be satisfied with the products that you purchased from us. That’s because we collect good quality products from good provider and we give standard service after-sales  are just what you need. Considering the current situation and demand, a customer can return their product following to the instructions.

Return Policy

Please make sure to check the product in the presence of the delivery man upon receiving it. If you find any inconsistencies or defects, kindly contact us at 01956 077 184.

Return Conditions :

  1. If the product has damaged.
  2. If an incorrect product has been delivered.
  3. If the product’s quality does not match the standards as described.

Refund policy

  1. We will refund within 2 days of receiving the returned product.
  2. Product must be packed accurately when requesting a refund.
  3. The return shipping cost will be cut from the total refund amount.

We make return and refund policies because we believe its increase customer satisfaction and build trust. It’s important to implement this policy clearly to customers, both online and physical location, We will do it properly Inshallah.

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